Monday, 29 April 2019

Australian Elections 2019 (2) Foreign Interference

With the start of this Federal Election campaign came, among other things, a so-called "Documentary", recorded over a couple of years by Al Jazeera (the propaganda media arm of Qatar) and released by the ABC  "just in time".  This documentary has very blatantly been aimed at Pauline Hanson's "One Nation" party. It has been more or less a series of obvious "entrapments" and, according to Pauline Hanson  very much "doctored" videos which obviously countered the old dictum that "cameras do not lie" and proved that cameras DO lie. 

The latest instalment of this  hatchet job arrived now, just 2 weeks before the elections, a salacious video on the drunken behaviour by one of One Nation's candidate's during a visit to a brothel. 

A few personal  thoughts about this: 

1. Al Jazeera is to Qatar (the biggest exporter of global radical Islam, including islamist Terrorism), what the Goebbels propaganda outfit  was to Nazism. 

2. Al Jazeera (Propaganda Arm for Qatar) was sneaked into Australia via the ABC/SBS who use their so-called "News Service" nearly exclusively as their "Source" hence the blatantly pro-islamist perspective of their so-called "News" . 

3. Chanel 9 is in the left pro-islamist Fairfax stable who are co-operating, nepotistically, with the ABC. 

4. This group is no longer the "4th Estate" but is now the "5th Column", who work with and for Qatar via Al Jazeera. Thus they are not collaborating merely with a "foreign power" but with an enemy of Western Culture i.e. Australia. 

5. What is happening here, blatantly, is not only "Foreign Interference in Australian Elections", but ENEMY interference in Australian elections, helped by the 5th column within, the tax payer funded ABC/SBS and their collaborator Fairfax. 

6. The timing and methodology (mounting several elaborate entrapments, witholding the doctored videos for long months, releasing them during the election campaign) are ample proof in my opinion,  that we are witnessing here a well planned, malicious, probably illegal political manoeuvre, aimed at destroying a democratically elected AUSTRALIAN party by a deadly enemy of the West in collaboration with very malicious forces within our own media.

To show you a little example of the "Qualitiy"  at the ABC. Below are literal quotes by one of their "Experts on Islam", paid for by the taxpayer. This muslima is now, to my knowledge, on leave. I am not sure if she has left the ABC for greener shores only temporarily or permanently.

Friday, 26 April 2019

The 5th Column's hounding of Sen. Fraser Anning


The obsessive questioning of Senator Fraser Anning shows how a low IQ combined with a virulent bad faith has turned the formerly 4th Estate into a vulgar 5th Column and echo chamber for the terminally brain-washed. Senator Fraser stands miles above these bottom feeders.


I am deeply concerned that Australia is heading towards a no-win solution after the upcoming elections (in May) which one of the two major parties has to win: Liberals/Nationals (=Conservatives), Labor (=Left-Commie-Greens).

If the Left wins:

we will have, for example, a Deputy Leader (Pilberseck) who publicly declared Israel a “Rogue State” just like the rest of the Left who hold “Israel's Politics” as very see-through fig leaves in front of their virulent Jew-Hatred. Plus, if the Left (who are also hugely supported by the partly Sorros Financed “Get-Up”) wins, OZ will be an economic basket case.

If the Conservatives win:

we will have a PM in Scott Morrison who is (at best) a “soft” or good weather conservative, but who has joined in the pack-hunt on Senator Fraser Anning . And what’s more, this will destroy  all hope – at least for the next 4 years – to get a TRULY CONSERVATIVE PM such as Tony Abbott, the PM who introduced the “No more Boats” policy (the great Australian border protection) and who got knifed by the fake conservative (Termite Turnbull), or Peter Dutton, a straight shooter, former policeman, strong advocate for safe borders and not afraid of the truth.

Our only hope now lies with the Cross Benches in the Senate (Upper House of Review), such as Fraser Anning, Pauline Hanson, Cory Bernardi (founder of the Australian Conservatives) getting a strong result and forming a truly conservative voting block.

International Reaction

Vlad Tepes, (a Canadian/American site I highly recommend)  who is an unashamed supporter of Senator Fraser Anning had the following comment on the shameless media: 

"Excellent example of how weaponized and thoroughly dishonest the media has become. nearly every question was tantamount to, “When did you stop beating your wife?”

Why are politicians not equipped to handle the contemptible tactics of these media Quislings?

A great response to the question that he was hammed with endlessly might have been:“A man committed a bank robbery the other day that said on his Facebook page that he regularly read your columns. Do you take responsibility for his actions?”

For that matter does MSM EVER take responsibility for what their lies cause? People shooting at Republicans at an amateur baseball game for example.

Its about time someone stopped these activists from setting the reader’s opinions of what is out there to see. The evidence that using a government-media narrative to make important societal decisions is that it is highly corrosive to a peaceful and cooperative civilization."



Lest We Forget

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Sunday, 14 April 2019

Australian Federal Elections 2019 the "Blondes" of the Left

12. April 2019

Link to this ^^^ tweet, in case it doesn't work:

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Only ONE honorable party in Australia's Senate


Today's censure motion against another Senator was nothing but the equivalent of a "a public flogging". I read this speech on behalf of our leader Pauline Hanson's Please Explain

"We refuse to be led like sheep in this chamber and therefore will abstain from voting on this censure motion" 

So writes  Senator Peter Georgiou, introducing a speech by his Party Leader, Pauline Hanson, he read out on 2nd April, 2019. A single, hence courageous voice against a pack-hunt by a nasty mob that included some less than "honourable" senators. 

Peta Credlin and the President

ET TU PETA CREDLIN ??? While I expect nothing less from the ABC than sniffing Adult Conservatives' underwear and sexually mis-formin...