Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Senator Fraser Annings: persona non grata among Hypocrites

The Australian Media Pack, especially the "tenured" tax-payer funded Media such as  the ABC/SBS, but also the weasels in the main stream media (euphemism for Fake Media) have vilified this Senator and keep vilifying him to a point where it has attracted my attention. Anyone (I thought)  that unanimously defamed, by people I largely despise cannot be half bad. 

And so,  acting according to the Ayn Rand principle "One cannot give up the world to those one despises" I looked a little further into what this supposedly horrid horrid horrid Senator had to say for himself, uncensored. 

While the sofa seems rather uncomfortable, the temperature looks Queensland-Hot and it is a relatively long interview,  I think it is  really worth listening to.

During an official function, a young thug run up to Senator Fraser Annings  from behind and crashed a raw egg on the his head. Google "egg boy" and see how the pack celebrated this aggressor  as a "hero", whereas Mr. Fraser, who reacted by slapping the face of the young idiot simply said:  "that is something his mother should have done much earlier"

After this and looking around at his competition, I would vote for the man who, incidentally, also fights Jew Hatred, sides with Israel and defends the idea of granting asylum to the white African farmers who are getting massacred and whose homes are being taken from them without any compensation. All causes that are largely unpopular with the conformist media and the Left. 


Friday, 1 March 2019

Labor Mutton dressed up as Liberal Lamb

"Independents are Labor mutton dressed up as Liberal lamb"

...says Peta Credlin, the only Woman I could, and would actually like to see as Australian PM one day. In fact it's the only female that I could see as a political leader globally, if I look at what's on offer at the moment e.g.: Merkel, Clinton, Theresa May, Jacinda Ardern, and ALL female American "Democrats".

Peta Credlin has urged voters to not be fooled by independent candidates ‘masquerading as Liberal-lite’ who are really ‘Labor stooges in disguise’. 

Ahead of the federal election in May, Ms Credlin says it’s shaping up to be a contest between the Liberal Party and independents who ‘make it easier for Labor’. It comes amid revelations of strong Labor and union links to the campaign team of Zali Steggall, who is fighting former prime minister Tony Abbott in Warringah. Ms Credlin says independents such as Rebekha Sharkie, Julia Banks, Cathy McGowan and Ms Steggall are ‘Labor mutton dressed up as Liberal lamb’.

Peta Credlin and the President

ET TU PETA CREDLIN ??? While I expect nothing less from the ABC than sniffing Adult Conservatives' underwear and sexually mis-formin...