Sunday, 18 February 2018

In the Defence of Julien Assange

A magnificent "rant" by Ross Cameron  Sunday morning on what I think is one of the most intelligent TV programs on Australian TV .

On Sky News, "The Outsiders" is an  utterly refreshing program in its proudly displayed and "owned" Political Incorrectness.  The Hosts,  Ross Cameron and the Australian Editor of The Spectator, Rowan Dean (two of my very favorite Aussies) call themselves "the Deplorables" and if it's good enough for them to adopt a HillaryClintonism, it's good enough for me. 

Unfortunately so far I have only the Audio of this brilliant plaidoyer, as I am not yet a subscriber to the Sky News. I will  put my hand into my purse once I am sure they will not give into the pressure from  the usual bullies and join the current Doxa. 

Here Ross Cameron reacts to the continued mal-treatment of Julian Assange,  founder of Wiki-Leaks who is an Australian Citizen, but  who fell out of favour with the Main Media when he refused to  worship at the Altar of the Obama/Hillary gang and - the Horror the Horror - even showed some "conservative" leanings: out for the Gorilla

Here are the lyrics to this song by Georges Brassens, in case you wanna sing along :)

C'est à travers de larges grilles, 
Que les femelles du canton, 
Contemplaient un puissant gorille, 
Sans souci du qu'en-dira-t-on ; 
Avec impudeur, ces commères 
Lorgnaient même un endroit précis 
Que, rigoureusement, ma mère 
M'a défendu d’ nommer ici. 
Gare au gorille !... 

Tout à coup la prison bien close 
Où vivait le bel animal 
S'ouvre, on n' sait pourquoi (je suppose 
Qu'on avait dû la fermer mal) ; 
Le singe, en sortant de sa cage, 
Dit : "C'est aujourd'hui que j'le perds !" 
Il parlait de son pucelage, 
Vous aviez deviné, j'espère ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

L'patron de la ménagerie 
Criait, éperdu : "Nom de nom ! 
C'est assommant, car le gorille 
N'a jamais connu de guenon !" 
Dès que la féminine engeance 
Sut que le singe était puceau, 
Au lieu de profiter de la chance, 
Elle fit feu des deux fuseaux ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

Celles là même qui, naguère, 
Le couvaient d'un œil décidé, 
Fuirent, prouvant qu'ell’s n'avaient guère 
De la suite dans les idé’s ; 
D'autant plus vaine était leur crainte, 
Que le gorille est un luron 
Supérieur à l'homm’ dans l'étreinte, 
Bien des femmes vous le diront ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

Tout le monde se précipite 
Hors d'atteinte du singe en rut, 
Sauf une vieille décrépite 
Et un jeune juge en bois brut. 
Voyant que toutes se dérobent, 
Le quadrumane accéléra 
Son dandinement vers les robes 
De la vieille et du magistrat ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

"Bah ! soupirait la centenaire, 
Qu'on pût encor me désirer, 
Ce serait extraordinaire, 
Et, pour tout dire, inespéré !" ; 
Le juge pensait, impassible : 
"Qu'on me prenn’ pour une guenon, 
C'est complètement impossible..." 
La suite lui prouva que non ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

Supposez que l'un de vous puisse être, 
Comme le singe, obligé de 
Violer un juge ou une ancêtre, 
Lequel choisirait-il des deux ? 
Qu'une alternative pareille, 
Un de ces quatre jours, m'échoie, 
C'est, j'en suis convaincu, la vieille 
Qui sera l'objet de mon choix ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

Mais, par malheur, si le gorille 
Aux jeux de l'amour vaut son prix, 
On sait qu'en revanche il ne brille 
Ni par le goût ni par l'esprit. 
Lors, au lieu d'opter pour la vieille, 
Comme l'aurait fait n'importe qui, 
Il saisit le juge à l'oreille 
Et l'entraîna dans un maquis ! 
Gare au gorille !... 

La suite serait délectable, 
Malheureusement, je ne peux 
Pas la dire, et c'est regrettable, 
Ça nous aurait fait rire un peu ; 
Car le juge, au moment suprême, 
Criait : "Maman !", pleurait beaucoup, 
Comme l'homme auquel, le jour même, 
Il avait fait trancher le cou. 
Gare au gorille !...


Saturday, 17 February 2018

Three Australian Prime Ministers:

1. The one we  had:

Tony Abbott:  the quintessential Australian: Volunteer Firefighter, Surf Rescue Member, true Conservative, BUT "Catholic". The last two qualities made him the "bête noire" among the tax-payer funded left media. Oh, and his government stopped illegal immigration by sea by introducing a policy of "returning the boats when it is safe to do so"  which is the envy of Europe.

2. The one we got now: 

Malcolm Turnbull, of the complicated childhood (his mother deserted the family when he was very young), of the complicated political odyssey: Rumour has it that he attempted to enter politics via his natural side the Left/Labor but was rejected and he then entered via the "conservative" Government under John Howard, and of the complicated accession to the Prime Ministership which  he achieved  by  "replacing" Tony Abbott in a Coup,  described in the Aussie vernacular as "backstabbing". 

3. The one I would like to see as a future  OZ PM

During an interview on a local radio station, Peter Dutton, the Australian Immigration Minister got a surprise phone call from the father of a 18 year old Boy, killed by an Immigrant, unprovoked, with a "one punch cowards attack". Minister Dutton, a former police man is as tough (and as straight) as they come, but this phone call had him floored.

The article  by Rachel Baxendale in the "The Australian" dated 8.2.2018 describes the details of the case: 

A father whose 18-year-old son was killed in a cowardly one-punch attack has broken down while thanking Immigration Minister Peter Dutton for deporting the killer’s accomplice.

Cole Miller died in January 2016, after he was attacked by New Zealand citizen Daniel Jermaine Lee Maxwell, then 21, and another man, Armstrong Renata, on a night out in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley.

The Queensland Supreme Court found that although Renata had thrown the single punch which caused Mr Miller to fall and fatally hit his head on the pavement, Maxwell had instigated the unprovoked attack.

Maxwell was originally charged with unlawful striking causing death, but that charge was downgraded to two counts of common assault and one count of affray.

The downgrading of the charge meant Maxwell initially walked free, after his 18-month sentence was suspended because he had already served 19 months when it was handed down.

Under new laws introduced by Mr Dutton, any foreign citizen sentenced to more than 12 months’ jail is automatically eligible for deportation.

Cole Miller’s father Steve today rang radio station 2GB to express his gratitude to Mr Dutton, who personally took his dismayed phone call the day Maxwell walked free.

“On that day at about 2pm I was advised by a journalist that he walked free, this criminal, and so I got onto Peter Dutton’s office in Canberra,” Mr Miller said.

“He was unavailable, he was in parliament at the time, but he rang me back at 4.30pm.

“I advised him of the circumstances, he got onto the Queensland police and the Border Force immediately, and that illegal immigrant was taken back into custody by 6.30pm that night and held for deportation to New Zealand, and I just want to thank Peter for that.”

Mr Miller became emotional as he thanked the minister. 

“He didn’t know me from a bar of soap, and the guy’s a champion,” he said.

“He’s out there looking after Australians and the Australian way of life and trying to help protect Australians.

“I hadn’t thanked him before, but I just wanted him to know that we were grateful for his immediate action and help on that day.”

Emotion was also apparent in Mr Dutton’s voice as he responded to Mr Miller’s call. 

“It’s an emotional thing, it really is,” Mr Dutton said. “Thanks to Steve, I’m so sorry to his family.”

Cole Miller
18-year-old who was killed in a cowardly one-punch attack
by a Migrant to Australia 

Peta Credlin and the President

ET TU PETA CREDLIN ??? While I expect nothing less from the ABC than sniffing Adult Conservatives' underwear and sexually mis-formin...